I have been waiting for this day for a long time. I treated myself to a place on one of Emma Mitchells workshops to celebrate finishing my degree...... I had been invited to spend the weekend at Grayson Perrys " A House for Essex" but had turned it down in favour of this workshop so I had high hopes indeed...... and as you will hear Emma didn't disappoint....
We bought found objects and natural objects to use for our pendants.
We were welcomed into Emma's beautiful home with fresh coffee or tea or even a home made infusion. Lots of science of silver was discussed as well as parental blogging ( Penny Alexander had travelled all the way from The Peak District.) The other ladies were lovely and Emma is so generous with her knowledge ( her botanical wisdom is astounding ) and she was so enthusiastic about all the treasures we had bought with us to use.
Emma also has the best turn of phrase of anyone I have met and I could just listen to her talk for hours ( which after the workshop I did as we found we had lots of common ground so I was lucky enough to have yet more rosehip / goji berry tea....) Everything good is met with " thumbs" and a thumbs up sign, something which I am aiming to carry through to my own workshops.....
We made molds of our found objects, possibly one of my favourite things I have ever learnt and am planning to buy at least a ton of blue and white squish to make molds from......
When we had made our molds and oohed and ahhed at each others wonderful intricate designs... ( one lady bought the most amazing antique lace with her which was so much more sophisticated than my creations but I am a simple soul....) We were then let loose with the silver clay........
Emma showed us how to stipple and get the most from our impressions in the molds.
We cautiously rolled out the clay and had been told we had approximately ten minutes to get it pressed into the molds before it would dry out.... Ten minutes suddenly seems like a really short amount of time but we all got out impressions done and out 3 D creations secured. The pieces then went into the oven for 15 minutes whilst we relaxed with home made biscuits an tea infusions and of course endless conversation - only bought to a halt by the delicious anticipation of our makes coming out of the oven in what Emma described to me as "The leather hard stage"
Emma then took the 3D creations off to het little kiln and we all gathered around the hob in her kitchen to fire the flat pieces.
Emmas kiln is so sweet.... I wonder if I could sneak one of these in unnoticed.... I would have more kilns than pairs of shoes!
We all gathered around the hob and watched the alchemist at work......
Emma explaining gauze and how to get it ready for firing.
The moment where the silver clay turns to silver.........
We then polished our pendants and ooohed and aaahhhed again at how beautiful and intricate everyones designs were...
My silver man.... I have yet to create the button but I will......
My beautiful crab apple, found by chance this morning whilst walking the dogs anticipating the day........ Who would I meet? Would I fit in? What would I make? Had I got the right pieces? Oh look there is a lone crab apple.........
Thank you Emma for an amazing day. I have learnt so much and best of all feel I have made a life long friend.